Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Go West, young family!

Hey everyone!

This is the first post on the Emerlings' blog- an attempt to keep friends and family updated on the happenings of our lives. I'll try to post new pictures and such at least weekly, but no gaurantees. :)
So...Debbie's 30th birthday was two weeks ago (don't tell her I told you). To celebrate, Eli and planned a weekend trip to Virginia City, MT. It's an old gold mining town that they have kept old for posterity's sake. It was great family time, and Elijah rode on his first train. He can hear a the trains' whistle from our home, so he is pretty into trains right now. Anyway, here are some pictures from the trip:

Debbie and Elijah found a furry friend

Elijah took his first train ride

Throwing rocks is a favorite past time for little boys and dads alike

Welcome to Montana

Getting an early start...

We'll post more soon!!


Shawna Noble: said...

Glad to hear you are doing this. I love the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,
I am so impressed that you are doing this. It was wonderful seeing the pictures and seeing what a big boy Eli is--sooo cute!! I am not a great web communicator myself, but I will do my best to check often for your pictures and updates. Thanks!! Aunt "Green"