Monday, December 17, 2007

A Star is born

This Sunday Elijah was in our church's annual Christmas play, performed by all of the kids in the church. He played the important role of Sheep, along with all of the other two year-olds. Eli took it upon himself play the more specific role of "lost sheep," and happily trotted around the stage and out into the crowd during the performance. I guess I didn't think of the fact that my kid might one day be "that kid," you know- the one who doesn't follow the script and has his own agenda.
I couldn't have been prouder. :)

Eli the sheep
(one little girl thought she was a cow and mmoooed during the whole performance)

Notice my son staring at all of the little conformists sitting on the stage

The Sunday School lady "helping" Eli back to his spot....hehe.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Catching up

I was out of town on business last week, so I took Monday off of work to be with the family. Eli, Debbie and I spent the afternoon decorating Christmas cookies.

This is a random photo of Matthew tucked into his car seat...I just didn't want him to feel left out.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Christmas Tradition

This past Sunday our house trekked up to the mountains for our annual Christmas tree cutting. The mountains were laden with a fresh fallen snow, and the scenery was fantastic. Elijah had a great time playing in the snow and helping to decorate once we got home. All in all, a day well spent.

Here's our tree before we ripped it from it's earthly sanctuary. Aren't Christmas traditions wonderful? :)

Eli had a blast in the snow.

Matthew wasn't so sure about the cold at first, but he settled in.

Mom and Eli decorating the tree.