Monday, December 3, 2007

Christmas Tradition

This past Sunday our house trekked up to the mountains for our annual Christmas tree cutting. The mountains were laden with a fresh fallen snow, and the scenery was fantastic. Elijah had a great time playing in the snow and helping to decorate once we got home. All in all, a day well spent.

Here's our tree before we ripped it from it's earthly sanctuary. Aren't Christmas traditions wonderful? :)

Eli had a blast in the snow.

Matthew wasn't so sure about the cold at first, but he settled in.

Mom and Eli decorating the tree.

1 comment:

Captain Noble said...

Those are some great pics.

And I, for one, heartily support violent traditions including tearing living things out of the ground. Don't forget to spend money you don't have on material things you don't need. That's important, too.