Friday, February 8, 2008

Why is embarassment so much fun?

So our house went rollerskating last night. You remember, that junior high social event where you strapped four wheels to your feet, rolled around in circles, and yelled at each other over really loud music?

There was a twist, however. We all drew names, and then we each were alotted $5 to spend at the local thrift store on whomever we drew. So we all got to dress up one of our community members in the Thrift-Store outfit of our choice. The wreckage is revealed below.

The boys in the picture were a random addition- they thought we looked "like clowns" and hung out with us the whole night.

I took this picture of us WHILE we were skating.

Elijah tried on a bit of everyone's costume before we left. Screwball.

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