Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Funny Trick

Last night I was giving Matthew, our youngest, a bath while his 3-year old brother waited for his turn. Elijah was disrobed and playing in his room when he came into the bathroom.

"Dad, my bear is wet."

"Really? How did he get wet?"

"I peed on him."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. I peed on my bed. And I pooped on my bed. It was a funny trick. Let me show you!"

He wasn't kidding.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure it was not funny at the time for you, but when I read this I was laughing out loud!!
I can totally see Oskar doing something like that too.

Miss y'all! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Someday, a kid is going to pee on Pacyga's bed and he's going to get what's been coming to him for years. Sorry you had to deal with that ... It was a funny trick, just not at the time.
